This just in….

I got a Vita-Mix this weekend. My dear ol’ KitchenAid broke AGAIN, in the same way (the gear that turns the blades lost all of it’s teeth) within about 18 mos. I think the smoothie habit killed it. I started researching the mega-blenders like Vita-Mix and BlendTec, reading all the reviews and comparisons. It’s nearly impossible to make a clear choice as they both cause rapturous testimonials and about even numbers of people that have tried both prefer one or the other. Price was the deciding factor for me. I’m just not buying a 400 dollar blender. I found mine on Craigslist for $175, brand new, a 5000 model. Last night for dinner we had black bean burritos with super-smooth bean filling and then had oh, so yummy blueberry icecream made in the blender. This morning, I made my first smoothie in it. I love that I can just toss a whole carrot in and have it smooth. I blended a pear and an apple with about 1/4 c apple juice to get it going. Then I added the 2 carrots and 1/2 lb of spinach. It’s too thick. So tomorrow I’ll have to maybe add more water or something. It’ll take some playing around, but initial reviews are positive!

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    Belle said,

    I found a blog that can also save you some $$ on your vita-mix blender purchases.

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